The HCG Diet Protocol – Three Steps is All It Takes for Success

As you know, we are a huge fan of the HCG diet and what it offers users.  For the most part, people who are trying to lose weight with HCG do so more quickly than with any other treatment known.  Beyond that, users of HCG report better weight loss success over the long term as well.  This hormone works in a completely unique way, enabling people to keep their metabolism high throughout their weight loss.  This can be incredibly difficult to achieve on your own, even with regular exercise and dieting.  Your body’s metabolism slowly decreases whenever you begin to lose weight by changing your diet.  Your body is not designed to keep burning calories once you cut down on your foot intake each day.  Instead, people need to then eat even less and exercise even more to keep up with their weight loss goals.

The HCG diet is a particular method designed by physicians and researchers over several decades that increases metabolism naturally, and decreases the user’s appetite.  This method has shown tremendous benefits in clinical trials, with the average user losing around 20 to 30 pounds per month.  In the same studies, those that went on just the diet lost only a fraction of this level (roughly 75% less).  The hormone itself was shown but its original creator (well the doctor who found this hormone treatment worked, at least), Dr. Simeons.  This method has been prescribed more than any other weight loss treatment in the world today, and it’s likely to remain the most recommended and prescribed method for weight control.

The Three Phases of the HCG Plan and How it Works

HCG Diet's Three PhasesThere are many ways to take HCG each day, many people choose to do so via daily injections, but oral droplets of hcg, as long as they are the real hormone, are just as effective in clinical trials.  There are many products out there but as long as you take a minimum of 150 IUs of the hormone each day you will generate results for yourself and it will remain effective for you.  This is important to keep your body’s metabolism high and your appetite low.  If you are taking these “fake” amino acid products, which are prevalent online, you won’t receive any of the results one comes to expect from using HCG for weight loss.  These products, obviously, will not work as well as the real thing (or even nearly the same).

The HCG diet has three distinct phases, each with a specific goal and motive.  In order to receive all of the benefits of this treatment, you need to follow the protocol closely otherwise your results will be less than stellar.  Though this hormone is a highly effective treatment, it’s important to work hard to achieve the best results when using this method.  The three phase protocol is designed to do just that.

Phase 1 – The first phase of the HCG diet is designed around enabling your body to burn fat later.  For this hormone treatment to work best, your body needs to be operating at peak metabolic levels, rather than any poorer levels of activity that is often seen in users.  As an example, most people’s metabolism is regularly operating at much lower levels than is possible due to lack of exercise, poor diet choices, as well as numerous weight loss attempts (which wreck your metabolic function).  Phase one is a period of two to three days designed around increasing your metabolism through large amounts of protein, high fat, and low carb foods.  Your lipids stored in fat cells are more easily burned later.

Phase 2 – The major phase of the diet, it occurs for up to 57 days (classically up to 43 days).  This is a reduced calorie diet of either 500 or 700 calories per day, and is designed around high metabolic function, low appetite and rapid weight loss.  Most people in studies lost 1 to 2 pounds per day for the bulk of this period.  This is often the most important part of the diet for individuals.

Phase 2 – The final phase is for maintaining the weight you’ve lost.  Your body is going through a lot during the diet, and once you stop taking HCG each day your body will begin to go back to normal.  This is designed around long term support, with 1500 calories per day, and a plethora of good foods and healthy products that will help you maintain your results indefinitely.

The Paleo Diet – A New Popular, Modern Approach to Weight Loss

If you’ve made the decision to change your diet and improve your life, you’re on the right track.  However, going in the right direction and choosing a method that is clinically proven to work and actually has a scientific basis is difficult.  Many products claim to work, but they simply don’t, and those that do work are often buried deep.  Same goes for weight loss programs that offer benefits as well.  One of the largest and most prescribed weight loss methods today is the Paleo Diet, endorsed by the big names Robb Wolf and Loren Cordain.  This personalized approach is designed around enabling users to lose weight quickly by switching to a more natural and “ancestral” diet method.  Though it’s a difficult method to choose, once you reach the 21 day mark or so your body will actually switch gears completely and you will begin craving a whole new type of food.

The 30-day Paleo Challenge is a method approach that encourages people to try this diet for a minimum of 30 days and see how it goes.  This challenge was created as it was noticed in recent research that the bacteria in our stomachs will actually dictate what kind of foods we crave, whether they’re bad or good foods.  After 21 days your body’s entire bacterial culture will shift to those that enjoy and desire the foods you eat.  This creates “cravings” for good foods that are part of the paleo diet and removes all of the high carb, processed and bad foods that people often crave instead.  Robb Wolf in particular said that with the complete removal of things like grains, legumes, dairy and cane sugars you will feel a huge hunger and craving for natural ingredients instead.

This 30 day challenge has actually gone through a lot of research, and it was found to be highly effective.  Users who switched wholesale to a diet rich in good foods lost much more weight than just trying to go on a crash diet or using most “weight loss products”.  People are seeking an alternative to dieting, but there just isn’t one even if you find an effective treatment like HCG.  You will still have to change your diet.  Many people make excuses for failure on this “all or nothing” approach, though it is one of the most effective.

Paleo Diet Alternative Methods

Foods Allowed on Paleo DietThere’s another diet to consider from Loren Cordain called the “Three Levels of Paleo Dieting”.  This method offers another alternative approach to following the “make it or break it method” as described so far.  Level one of the approach involves 85% strict compliance to the Paleo diet, with 15% or so “cheating” (or freedom to make mistakes).  This equates to about 3 meals within a week that are outside of the bounds of the methodology.  As you progress onward in the future to level two and three you increase your strict compliance until you reach 95% compliance during Level Three.  Many people who struggle to cut out all of these bad foods from day one will do much better with a diet like this, as it’s easier to adapt your body and your stomach bacteria will still adapt as needed to cut down on cravings.

There’s no set progression that you must follow as part of this, but there are a wide variety of things you can choose from and see which works best.  You want to switch to level three within about 20-30 days though for maximal effectiveness.  That’s the best way to achieve results doing this rather than the “all or nothing” method described previously.  When you select your “free” meals you want to keep in mind not to go overboard with the foods you eat.  You don’t want to eat an entire chocolate cake. or a box of donuts, but instead maybe a bagel, some cereal, or a piece of chocolate after dinner.   You don’t want to cheat and ruin the progress you made by eating something really terrible for you.  This can upset your stomach and even reverse the progress you made on changing your digestive bacteria over to something that will enable you to fight your obesity.

Starting this new method called the Paleo Diet offers a lot in way of results, and studies clearly show that it doesn’t have to be a traumatizing event for the user.  You can have a more relaxed pace, or try Robb Wolf’s more aggressive 30 day challenge.  If you want to see results rapidly and have the self control, this is one of the best methods to go with.  Otherwise you can stick to a more leisurely and adaptive approach that is designed to work around your goals, and your motivations.

The Challenges We all Face When Attempting to Lose Weight

Many people today, and likely you as well, are trying to find the best ways to lose weight.  The methods that are the most effective are not always apparent to people who are researching various methods.  The majority of weight loss plans are designed around denying yourself the things that you want to eat, or certain foods.  However, research into this clearly shows that this is the wrong way to go.  People need a program that not only allows them to eat some of the foods they enjoy, but also tries to make long term structural changes with how a person chooses to eat and what type of foods they eat.  Temporary changes almost never work in the end.

Everyone wants to lose weight fast, but most people aren’t ready to do what it takes to achieve healthy and long term results.  That’s why scientists and researchers have spent decades searching for methods that not only help people do this, but also are safe and effective weight loss aids.  By far the best product known today is the HCG diet, but there are many others out there which have shown great promise in recent years.  Things such as garcinia cambogia or raspberry ketones work different than this hormone treatment, but can be used to compound the weight that’s lost on such diets.

Challenges Faced When Trying To Permanently Lose Weight

Natural Foods Key to Weight LossI’m sure you’ve heard the claim thousands of times that if you eat less you will lose more weight.  If only it was so simple to just not eat as much as you have in the past.  Along with all treatments it’s presumed that the person will be going on a healthier diet and exercising more in order to maintain their body.  This can be difficult to endure and many people lack the support in order to do this own their own.  That’s why, regardless of the treatment the person selects, it’s imperative that they find a basis of support with friends or colleagues which will hold them accountable.

There are many ways to burn fat we have stored in our bodies, the most obvious being to eat fewer calories than we need per day for our energy.  However, when we do this, our body actually enters into starvation mode which reduces metabolism, energy and fat burning rates. Tragically, this can be difficult if not impossible to overcome on your own, even with regular exercise.  Certain treatments like HCG or garcinia cambogia have proven to be effective in helping to prevent this from occurring.

There’s no easy, fast or pain-free way to lose weight.  They will all require sacrifice.  It’s worth discussing just how our body can burn fat, and what are the various methods that it does so.  When we have large amounts of fat stored in our body, it’s stored in complex proteins called lipids in our cells.  These are energy dense molecules which our body can later use as fuel.  However, exercising may not burn these if we’re eating enough daily that our body can sustain us with the food we eat.  So we need a method that not only cuts calories, but increases  our metabolism.  Other options are things like raspberry ketones which can absorb these lipids and prevent our body from using them at all (instead expelling them as waste).  This is one other option to help cut out the fat we eat daily in our diets.  The most important part of any weight loss is to switch to natural, healthy foods and cut out all the processed stuff that we get from stores these days.  That’s one of the easiest ways to achieve long term success.

Green Coffee Extract – A Natural Treatment to Knock Out Obesity

Many people are looking for a quick fix to their weight gain, but don’t know what has clinical support and what doesn’t.  It’s honestly never an easy task to find out which is which, but the first place to look is often clinical studies to see if there’s any objective information.  Sure, it’s true that just having a study showing something is not ironclad proof that it will work for everyone, yet if there are many studies all clearly showing that a particular method leads to rapid weight loss, it’s a good place to start.  These plans can often be some of the most effective and safest treatments.

One of the main areas that scientists have been searching through in recent years is the use of natural weight loss aids.  There have been prescription products for many years that help a little bit with weight loss, but they carry some harsh side effects.  Natural treatments inherently will not and can be safe for anyone to take.  As a result, many things have been investigated with a lot of them showing good promise as well (such as garcinia cambogia or raspberry ketones).  These products can work and can provide results, even more quickly than is possible with man-made treatments.

Before you can start to lose weight you need to first understand your body type and how it works.  If you have historically struggled with metabolism drops when you cut calories.  For example, guys typically store fat in their midsections when they gain weight.  They also have a lot easier time losing weight without their metabolism freaking on them and making it more difficult.  Women on the other hand have to be more careful with their diet and typically benefit more from these proven weight loss treatments that help induce weight loss.

The New Green Coffee Extract Diet

Bag of Natural Green CoffeeA new weight loss treatment that’s been seeing a lot of support with doctors, physicians and researchers is the use of green coffee.  Green coffee is the unroasted natural beans, which are dried out and then extracted into powders.  It was discovered some time ago that a lot of the best minerals and compounds found in coffee are actually lost during this process.  Roasting heats up and destroys the compounds and antioxidants that people need to receive much of the benefits that it offers.  For example, a compound known as cholorgenic acid which is found in natural coffee beans is a powerful metabolic booster.  It helps enhance energy and significantly increase the person’s metabolism.

Green coffee contains many things which are only found in this extract that can really boost metabolism and help people lose weight.  A recent study took a long look at just this, testing those how take green coffee and measuring how much weight they lost.  It was found that the average person lost over 15 pounds during a 30 day period of time.  This was far more than those who just tried to diet on their own.  Metabolism is one of the biggest problems when a person is trying to diet, as this will often slow down considerably when a person cuts calories.  Green coffee helps boost this considerably, offers large gains in energy as well, and also helps cut appetite in users.  It’s natural, safe and has been verified as a highly effective solution.

Raspberry Ketones – A Natural Treatment for Obesity

A recent 2002 study which was published nationally in the Journal of Kidney Diseases found that low carb and high protein diets (aka the Atkins Diet) actually produced a condition ripe for the development of kidney stones.  Since there was such a huge increase in acid levels in the person’s blood when on this diet, it was thought to be a huge problem for a person’s health to go on this type of diet for long periods.  In addition, other research indicates that lean protein intake can actually cause problems for the person’s body as well.  A well known condition known as rabbit starvation can actually occur if carbs are not taken at a minimum level each day.

The concentration in blood of people on these low carb diets of urinary citrate drops by 25 percent.  This significantly increases their risk of developing kidney stones given the diet they’re on.  If a person is on a normal diet and develops stones, they’re often told to cut back on poultry, meats and fish as these proteins often exacerbate the problem.  This is why it’s so important to find a diet that works with your body and not against it.

The Development of Raspberry Ketone Weight Loss

Many people have eaten raspberries at some point, but did you know these fruits are full of antioxidants not found in any other type of plant?  Certain types of minerals in them have been shown in recent research to help a plethora of ailments, such as heart disease, respiratory disease or even anemia.  However, in recent years a polar shift has occurred in the treatment of weight loss, from more man-made ingredients to those that are natural and side effect free.  This has led to an increased pressure on suppliers to provide a treatment that’s both safe and effective to users.  It’s been recently studied for a particular type of antioxidant it has, called “ketones” which have been shown in a number of studies to produce weight loss.  Yet, the debate rages on about the most effective method for this type of treatment.

There’s a compound found in red raspberries known as norepinephrine, a hormone that actually breaks down fat and lipids in the body.  It’s been shown in studies conducted by the National Institute of Health to help significantly reduce the uptake of fat into the person’s body.  It blocks and then expels fat directly from the body, enabling people to lose weight even if they eat foods high in fat.

Natural Ketones From This Fruit

Diet of RaspberriesThere are really two major areas that enable Raspberry Ketones to help people lose weight.  The first one is that it absorbs fat that is taken in through the body, as indicated above.  This helps break down the fat that’s presently stored in our cells as well as protect our body from absorbing fats in our diet.  The second one is that it helps boost metabolism in the person’s body, even if they are cutting calories or their food intake (something that typically slows down your metabolism significantly).  Recent studies on the use of this to help people lose weight found that people taking raspberry ketones regularly lost 4 to 5 times more weight than just by dieting alone.  This equated to a weight loss of around 17% of their total body weight within 60 days of use.  For this reason, it’s caught on with physicians and professionals alike who now recommend this treatment to their patients.

Sure, the market for weight loss products is huge and it’s difficult to figure out which one to go with.  However, there are almost none that have actually been clinically proven to produce results.  Raspberry ketones have been well tested in clinical settings and they actually work, so it’s a safe bet as a product to try to help you lose weight quickly.  Most people taking this will lose 20 to 30 pounds per 60 days of use, far more than any prescription treatment a person may try instead.  Studies on this support it as an effective weight loss treatment.

Raspberry ketones are all natural, so side effects are limited.  However, people should be aware that they want to get a supplement that actually contains 100% ketone extract and not filled with a lot of addons or other “vitamins”.  In studies, the threshold for this product to work was 1500mg per day (750mg capsules twice per day) of pure raspberry ketones.  As a result, people need to keep this in mind when selecting their products.

The HCG Diet Plan – Three Steps and A Natural Hormone

The HCG diet is making winds across the world as millions of people take on weight loss like never before.  The use of this natural hormone has a long history of success.  Users which have seen the results first hand of using HCG are telling everyone about their success.  Beyond that, however, scientists and physicians have been exploring this treatment with new found interest in recent years as new studies have shown it to be a highly effective and safe weight loss treatment.  This diet employs a natural hormone to boost the person’s metabolism and help them burn fat more quickly.  Yet it does so in a specific way, through the brain itself.

Reports have been flying recently about the HCG diet boosting metabolism so much that people lose over one pound per day.  As a result, studies have taken long hard looks at this to find out if it’s true.  As it turns out, more than a few studies have shown it to be true.  The question then remains, how do you achieve these results?  Studies examining the use of the HCG hormone for weight loss often looked at either injections or oral droplets of it, along with the protocol as described by Dr. Simeons.  This involved three distinct steps which were required to be followed in order to lose this level of weight.  People were asked if they felt hungry or more energetic as well.  The results were clear in all studies, the HCG diet cuts hunger, increased energy and also boosted metabolism resulting in around 4 times more total weight loss.

How HCG and the Three Phase Protocol Works

Protocol - Three Phases of HCGThe original protocol used injections, as it was designed by Dr. Simeons in the 1950s.  However, recent research allows for either hcg injections, or trusted pure hcg drops providers as an alternative to these more expensive and painful daily injections.  Either way, regardless of which method you chose to administer the HCG to your body, you will always go on the exact same regimen for weight loss.  There are three phases to the HCG diet, and though there are some options to choose from within those phases, the protocol should not be broken as part of the weight loss method.  Oral HCG is more easily taken, so it’s often the prefered method.

  1. Phase one of the HCG diet entails a period of time where the user takes in foods high in fat, and low in carbs.  This lasts for up to 3 days.  The person also takes the HCG hormone throughout this phase.  The goal is to enlarge fat cells to accept more lipids as storage, but in doing so, it also weakens the boundaries of the cells making it much easier to expel lipids for the body to burn later.  This helps prevent metabolic shutdown later on in phase two.
  2. Phase two of the HCG protocol makes up the bulk of the diet.  People are on this for up to 57 days (43 days on the original method).  People go on either a 500 calorie per day diet, or a 700 calorie per day depending if they’re doing the modern approach.  The 700 calorie per day is a lot easier to stick to, so it’s often what is recommended these days.  However, the 500 calorie is the original method, so many people prefer it since it has been used for so long.  Dietary constraints are also applied as required in order to ensure people are not eating processed or nutritiously poor foods that could harm their progress.
  3. Phase three is the maintenance phase and can last indefinitely, for as long as the person wants to maintain their weight loss.  HCG intake is halted during this period of time, and the person goes on a 1500 calorie per day diet.  A lot of foods taken out in phase two are reintroduced and the person is able to continue their weight loss as normal going forward.  This is necessary to maintain weight lost without the hormone being in your body any longer.

Selecting A Weight Loss Method That Actually Works – Garcinia Cambogia

If you’re confused where to start on your diet, you’re not alone.  This is a club with millions of members, and few of them will ever achieve long term results.  When it comes to weight loss pills, or supplements, there are a variety to choose from.  Some don’t work, and have no clinical basis, while others actually have been proven to work well.  It’s not always straightforward to figure out which is which, but there are three major classes of supplements, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Different Supplements for Fat Reduction1. Fat Burning Products –Fat burners try to increase the person’s metabolism directly, to help them burn fats they take in more quickly.  Many products claim to do this, but few of them are more than expensive caffeine pills.  Just taking in more caffeine doesn’t do anything to help you lose weight.  Maybe you have heard of the old prescription treatment called ephedra, which was shown to cause heart attacks and heart failure in patients.  It was taken off the market later.  Therea re still several prescription fat burners that carry such risks, like phentermine.  More natural fat burners are something like green coffee extract, HCG or garcinia cambogia.  In the case of garcinia cambogia, it is a 100% natural substance with few if any side effects.  It boost metabolism directly in the body users with an ingredient naturally in the product known as HCA.

When you select a fat burner as a diet supplement you will want to track down studies that prove it works, and also ones that show the side effects it can cause.  Natural products like garcinia cambogia or green coffee don’t typically have any side effects.  HCG is probably the most effective fat burner known to exist and is also well studied.

2. Fat Blockers – Another major category of weight loss aids are those that try to absorb the fat you take into your body before it’s deposited into cells.  This really only works as a way to help correct deficiencies in a diet, and is not a very reliable method for long term weight loss.  The products in this sector are fairly limited, but there are a few major ones.

Probably the best known substance that works in this way is orlistat, which is commonly known by its brand name Alli.  This has actually now been approved for over the counter use by the FDA, but has not shown to be that awesome in studies.  On average people only lost 2 to 3 pounds of fat during a full month of treatment with this.  Given how expensive it is, it just cannot compete with working fat burners.

Another popular one is the use of Proactol, which is a supplement pill that’s different than Orlistat.  This product’s major ingredient is a complex fiber, which absorbs lipids in the body.  This comes from a natural cactus, colloquially called the “Prickly Pear”, which has this fiber in abundance.  It’s extracted and concentrated for use as a natural weight loss supplement.  Results using this type of product are better than orlistat, and it does carry fewer general risks for users as well.  It also has been shown in several research studies to help people feel more “full” and eat less.

3. Carbohydrate Blockers.  This is a fairly new way to go about weight control, so the products that actually work in this way so far are pretty limited.  Much like fat blockers, these attempt to block the breakdowns of carbohydrates we eat (which are converted to sugars in our body and stored as fat).  There are some options out there.

One major carb blocker that a lot of people are using after it was verified to work in studies is the dietrine compound.  This is made from white kidney beans and helps destroy a particular enzyme in our stomach called alylase.  This helps convert carbs into glucose in our body during digestion.  This helps significantly cut the amount of calories absorbed by the person and helps eliminate a lot of bad fats.

Whether you want to block fats, burn them more quickly or cut carbs there are definitely supplements that can help you.  Many supplements like HCG or garcinia cambogia can actually do both at the same time, though this is not the norm.  Most of these are “one trick ponies” each with their respective benefits and their costs as well.  It’s important for people to consider any products carefully that they choose to make sure that the risk balances with the potential reward.  This is especially true given that there are natural and side effect free alternatives out there.

Techniques to Power Through Plateaus and Lose Weight Effectively

There are so many weight loss plans out there, programs that claim they work and which claim to generate weight loss. Even with all of these new diet methods and new claims, it’s still just as hard as ever to lose weight.  What is occurring as well? It’s getting more difficult to find the most effective way to shed excess fat.  Though it’s great to lose weight, you don’t want to do it at the expense of your overall health.  You may want to slim down, but you should also want to do it in a healthy and sustainable manner.

It’s never easy to select a method that will be both safe and effective, but looking to medical researchers will often help in deciding which methods work.  For decades scientists have been interested in finding a weight loss solution that is effective and works for everyone.  They’ve found many such treatments, but they all vary in effectiveness.  Some are highly effective, and others are often poorly effective.  Selecting the best ones is a matter of finding which research studies generated the best results for users.

How Would You Define Healthy Weight Loss?

Selecting the Top Dieting TechniquesBear in mind that you shouldn’t be trying any weight loss methods that involve stimulants which are prescribed, like phentermine.  These can carry with them some major side effects that you may not be willing to take on.  In addition, they haven’t been proven to work too well in any studies.  What you want to do is organize a diet that is both natural, and actually works.  The foods you eat should be as natural as possible as should the diet itself.

Bodies can be very sensitive to anything we take in via foods or through supplements, so it’s important to manage this well.  Good diets which can work are things like garcinia cambogia, or the HCG diet.  Bad things are low carb, high fat diets like Atkins.  You want to make sure anything you use to aid your diet actually helps replace the things you’re missing through changes to the diet.  For example, if you take something that makes you feel bloated, this is your body’s way of telling you it’s not good for you.  It’s important to choose an approach that’s as natural as possible, such as a natural fruit extract or a natural hormone.

Another good example of this type of thing is a diet which makes you eat foods high in protein for a period of months on end, and cuts out all the other things that are part of your diet.  You need essential vitamins and minerals every day in order to function and maintain your health.  Good examples of a diet that is healthy is one that replaces your foods that you already eat, with leaner and healthier versions of those same foods.  Rather than processed foods, you make it naturally, etc.  This is a good indication that a diet is safe and effective.

Powerful Weight Loss Techniques With Clinical Support

Clinically proven techniques for weight loss typically have centered around the discovery of natural treatments which can enable fast results.  It was discovered some years ago that people who tried to lose weight more slowly often failed to achieve long term results.  If people did not see rapid progress they became discouraged and quit their effort to lose weight.  As such, they’ve been searching for low side effect and highly effective treatments to facilitate this.

Several of these diets have been discovered, each with their own merits.  The fastest weight loss solution is without a doubt the HCG diet, offering at least one pound of weight loss each and every day of use.  This employs a natural hormone to boost metabolism and decrease appetite.  More natural and less side effect heavy methods which have proven successful are things like garcinia cambogia extracts, a natural fruit from Africa.  Typically a person will lose 10 to 15 pounds per month just by taking this each day.  No dietary changes were demanded in studies which verified its usefulness.  Whichever method you select is up to you and what you’re able to stick with over a long period.  Something sustainable for your habits is far more important than something someone else tells you to try.